Successful Living and Well-Being is the state of feeling comfortable, happy and healthy within ourselves and our life. We achieve our best, are the most successful, when we become active participants in creating a happy, engaging and meaningful life. Our personal life, work life, family life and relationships all benefit, allowing us to contribute and influence with intention, a world outside and greater than ourselves. We develop a sense of value, respect, pride and mastery in ourselves and our achievements. This enables us to give equal recognition to the people and their achievements around us.

Prosperity & Abundance Workshops
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Dr Wayne Dyer
2018 Dates: Oct 6, 12, 20 and Nov 10, 17, 24
This 6 day workshop is an excellent opportunity to participate on an interactive journey of self-discovery, allowing you build a solid foundation to live a more prosperous, abundant and balanced life both personally and professionally.
You will explore your ability to create and manifest with intention prosperity and abundance for you. Importantly you will also recognize the significant role of reciprocity in this process i.e. the ability to be able to give as well as receive.
Workshop 1: Concentrates on your ability to manifest and create prosperity & abundance. You will learn the importance of reciprocity in this process ie. the need to balance what we give and receive.
Workshop 2-5: Concentrates on one of the four functions of human consciousness. You will discover how your thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting abilities can positively support you to achieve a prosperous and abundant life.
Workshop 6: Gives you the opportunity to creatively review the skills and experiences you have gained in the previous workshops. It supports you to bring what is working for you more intentionally into your future, thus creating the life you desire.
Cost per day: €120 per workshop
Cost for the full six day workshop: €600
Book November Workshops

Personal Development Workshops
Workshop Location: Unit 3, Royal Canal Court, Church Street, Kilcock, Naas, Co. Kildare, W23 T21.
Time: Courses run on a Saturday from 10am – 4.30pm (Registration and light refreshments from 9.45am)
Places: Maximum 20 places per workshop
“Who am I” learn to know and understand you, why you do what you do and are the way you are?
2019 Dates: February 2 & 9 / March 2 , 9, 16 & 23
Workshop 1: Concentrates on identifying and establishing aims, objectives and desires for your future success and well-being. This gives purpose and clarity to your intentions, interactions and participation on the workshop.
Workshop 2: Concentrates on recognizing and exploring patterns in your life that were either supportive or limiting of your success and well-being.
Workshop 3-5: Determines areas you are ready to change which will support your achievement of success and well-being and how this can best be achieved with clear intention. You will develop your own affirmation to take away, supporting you in newer ways of being.
Workshop 6: Reviews and strengthens your learning over the course of the previous workshop to create and manifest the success and well-being you desire.
Cost per day: €120 per workshop
Cost for the full six day workshop: €600